The impact of the legal norm under Article 134.3 of the Homeland Defence Act (“Ustawa o obronie ojczyzny” - UoO) on the personnel potential resulting from the involvement of people with disabilities on thing of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland
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science departament, Military University of Technology in Warsaw,, Poland
Submission date: 2023-07-10
Final revision date: 2023-08-01
Acceptance date: 2023-08-01
Online publication date: 2023-10-29
Publication date: 2023-10-29
Corresponding author
Jolanta Marzena Połeć   

science departament, Military University of Technology in Warsaw,, gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego 2, 00–908, Warsaw, Poland
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2023;(16):87-99
To identify assumptions of the legal norms, in the context of the impact of the involvement of people with disabilities for the implementation of the tasks and objectives of the Polish Armed Forces on the examples from the U.S, Canada and Israel.

Systematic review of the literature and websites on the possible inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Armed Forces.

The analysis determined the significance of the legal norm Article 134.3 of the Act on the impact of the involvement of persons with disabilities for the implementation of tasks by the Polish Armed Forces.

In previous regulations related to military service, people with disabilities were not able to be on duty neither actively function within the national security system, remaining, outside the system. One of the revolutionary changes connected with implementation of the Article 134.3 of the Homeland Defence Act is the admission of people with disabilities to the military service. The article contains suggestions for the Polish Armed Forces on how to involve persons with disabilities in the effective implementation of their goals and tasks. The highly qualified, competent, and knowledgeable personnel will be engaged, e.g. in the IT area especially since a new component has been created within the Polish Armed Forces: Cyberspace Defence Forces (DK-WOC). An effective increase in the level of awareness, competence, and knowledge in the field of military service by persons with disabilities may be of key importance for shaping the state security system and provide support to the Polish Armed Forces.
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