Programming and financing of development Forces - the old and new approach on the basis of Poland's experience
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Military University of Technology, Poland
Submission date: 2023-01-10
Final revision date: 2023-03-20
Acceptance date: 2023-05-03
Online publication date: 2023-05-17
Publication date: 2023-05-17
Corresponding author
Ryszard Chyrzyński   

Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, Military University of Technology, Poland
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2023;(16):28-49
Analysis of the increased financial effort of the state related to the intensification of the process of developing the country's defense potential, including in particular the process of programming and financing the development of the Polish Armed Forces.

Theoretical and empirical scientific methods have been used in the development of this publication. The theoretical methods are analysis and synthesis of source documents and comparative analysis. The empirical method was participant observation of the processes of planning, programming, and budgeting the development of the Polish Armed Forces.

A comparative analysis of various source materials, shaping expenditures on securing the state's defense needs, allowed the author to prove the thesis that an appropriate level of these expenditures can actually improve the overall security of the country, as well as the capabilities of its Armed Forces.

The geopolitical situation that has arisen in recent months around the borders of Poland forces the state to significantly accelerate the process of intensifying the development of the country's defence potential, including technical modernization and development of the Armed Forces. The implementation of the tasks for the security and defence of the state has required many changes for years in relation to: - the obligation to defend – issues related to qualification, the course of the recruitment process for military service, or the defence duty of citizens;; - military service – issues related to broadly understood military service; - programming and financing of the Armed Forces – issues related to obtaining new sources of financing; - implementation of tasks by entrepreneurs for the armed forces – issues related to the change in the design, financing and competence of government administration bodies.
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