Mathematical Model of the Movement of a Fighting Tracked Vehicle
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Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine
Submission date: 2021-05-18
Final revision date: 2021-07-13
Acceptance date: 2021-07-14
Online publication date: 2021-10-11
Publication date: 2021-10-11
Corresponding author
Mykhailo Рesterev   

Odesa Military Academy, Ukraine
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2021;(11):13-25
Development of movement model of fighting tracked vehicle to study oscillatory processes that cause a dynamic load on the driver’s workplace and imitate real conditions of fighting tracked vehicle’s movement to develop technical requirements for dynamic simulators with the achievement of high degree of their compliance with the real vehicle. Research hypothesis. Use of the improved mobility platform of dynamic simulators, realizing the conditions as close as possible to conditions of driving a real fighting tracked vehicle.

The presented views are the result of empirical research based on the general scheme of forces acting on a fighting tracked vehicle and allow to theoretically estimate the dynamic load of mechanic-driver's workplace.

In the study, the author developed an improved model of the movement of a fighting tracked vehicle, which describes the spatial movement of its body in motion on the support surface of a complex profile and allows to estimate theoretically the dynamic workload of the driver’s workplace, which provides a basic design of a dynamic platform in six degrees of freedom and will provide to develop the requirements for the modernization of dynamic simulators.

When performing combat tasks mechanic-driver of FTV is exposed to the effects of spatial movements of different nature. The mechanic-driver during the movement of FTV feels a wide range of influences that are caused by the interaction of the tracked running gear (TRG) with the bearing surface and change the direction of movement of FTV.
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