Japan's Security Restoration: Evolution, Challenges, and Future Directions
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History Department, Lebanese University, Lebanon
Submission date: 2024-09-16
Final revision date: 2024-10-27
Acceptance date: 2024-11-19
Online publication date: 2024-11-19
Publication date: 2024-11-19
Corresponding author
Habib Badawi   

History Department, Lebanese University, Cola, 118, Beirut, Lebanon
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2024;(19):124-142
  • This paper offers several novel contributions to the field of Japanese security studies and international relations:
  • 1. Contributes to the broader discourse on middle power security strategies in a changing global order.
  • 2. Examines the interplay between domestic and international factors in shaping Japan's security policy.
  • 3. Integrates multiple theoretical perspectives to provide a nuanced understanding of Japan's security policy evolution.
  • 4. Offers an up-to-date analysis of Japan's security restoration, including recent developments and future projections.
  • 5. Provides policy recommendations for addressing Japan's security restoration process challenges.
This study examines Japan's security policy evolution from post-World War II pacifism to its current assertive stance, analyzing historical context, key drivers, and challenges. It focuses on shifts under Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, exploring implications for regional stability and international relations, including the U.S.-Japan alliance and emerging security threats.

The research employs a qualitative approach, combining comprehensive literature review with multiple theoretical frameworks (neorealism, constructivism, securitization theory, alliance theory). It incorporates historical and comparative analyses to contextualize Japan's security posture within regional dynamics.

Japan's security policy has transformed significantly, driven by China's military modernization, North Korea's nuclear program, changing regional dynamics, and evolving U.S.-Japan alliance expectations. Key reforms include constitutional reinterpretation allowing limited collective self-defense, establishing the National Security Council, increased defense spending, and enhanced multi-domain military capabilities. Challenges persist in balancing security needs with constitutional constraints and managing regional relationships.

Japan's security restoration marks a profound shift, balancing proactive defense with pacifist principles. This evolution impacts regional stability and the U.S.-Japan alliance, positioning Japan as a key player in maintaining peace while raising some neighbors' concerns. Japan's path forward requires a delicate equilibrium between enhancing military capabilities and prioritizing diplomacy and economic cooperation. Success depends on navigating historical legacies, fostering domestic consensus, and adeptly maneuvering through complex international imperatives in an increasingly challenging security environment.
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