Evacuation as a result of exceptional occurrences in the Prison Service practice
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Miitary University of Technology, Poland
Submission date: 2023-01-10
Final revision date: 2023-07-07
Acceptance date: 2023-10-28
Publication date: 2023-11-01
Corresponding author
Pietruszka Janusz   

Miitary University of Technology, Poland
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2023;(16):128-138
This article aims to present the specificity of evacuationin the Prison Service practice resulting from an exceptional occurrence.

The article has been written on the basis of the author's experience while working in the prison service as well as document analysis.

The Prison Service is one of those state dispositional services which enable its adequate protection in the face of various threats. In this case, it is about isolating offenders because they pose a real threat to public order and security. The role of the services is to prepare for emergencies to minimise the risk of injuries, deaths and damage to property that disrupt society and individual administrative systems. It is a significant challenge, as emergency events are impossible to predict, and only their probability can be estimated and preventive and mitigating actions established.

The task of each professionally organised formation is to prepare for various circumstances, including crises. Events that require evacuation in the Prison Service are relatively rare. Evacuation under the conditions of the Prison Service is, therefore, usually a derivative of local threats: fires, natural disasters, and others, which require leaving the penitentiary institution. It should be emphasised that as prisoners serve their sentences of acute deprivation of liberty, penitentiary units must ensure their safety. This means acting in ordinary, everyday activities and responding to complex and unusual situations, including those requiring evacuation.
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