Objectives: The aim of this article is to answer the following question: Are there any particular areas that shall be taken into consideration when discussing the problem of cognitive warfare. The author presents the Countering Disinformation Concept, which indicated particular areas that may serve as a potential direction for building and developing social resilience in times of cognitive warfare.
Methods: The author analyzed researches that prove a low social awareness of disinformation and point the possible sources of false content. The author revised professional literature to examine what is the current state of practical solutions in the researched field. The conclusion from the analysis was a basis for proposing the Countering Disinformation Concept. The author uses also a case study of Russian hostile informative influence as evidence for destructive actions of global actors and possible harmful influence of information.
Results: The result of the conducted research led to the conclusion that there is a lack of holistic, practical solutions in the field of building social resilience against disinformation. The proposed Countering Disinformation Concept is a comprehensive approach that shall be considered to build social resilience against hostile information operations in times of cognitive warfare.
Conclusions: Societies are not aware of hostile information influence that some actors strive to have. The awareness of disinformation processes is low as well as the level of practical solutions implemented in the information sphere. There is a serious need to build and develop social resilience against disinformation especially in the times of cognitive warfare spread by hostile global players.
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