Analysis of existing hydrogeological, wind and solar conditions in the area of the planned location of the ‘low-carbon, intelligent and autonomous railway station - in the aspect of energy security
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Security, Logistic and Management Faculty, Military University of Technology, Poland
Kazimierz Pułaski University of Technology and Humanities in Radom
Submission date: 2023-10-26
Final revision date: 2023-12-18
Acceptance date: 2024-02-18
Online publication date: 2024-03-14
Publication date: 2024-03-14
Corresponding author
Bogdan Ćwik   

Security, Logistic and Management Faculty, Military University of Technology, gen Sylwestra Kaliskiego, 00-908, Warszawa 46, Poland
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2024;(Scientific report from the Rail4EARTH 2023 18):1-154
  • The new (breakthrough) solutions proposed during research, analysis and design are to be subjected to verification, assessing the feasibility of economic models, ensuring commercialisation for the benefit of European citizens.
  • The greatest potential for achieving the above-mentioned project goals will be associated with the development of appropriately efficient systems for the generation and management of electricity and heat in railway systems.
  • The success of the undertaken Project requires an extended and integrated energy approach to the tasks conducted, considering that the objectives indicated by the principals, as well as the proposed feasibility indicators, have directly or indirectly, a significant energy background.
  • The machine for the efficient transformation of thermal energy is the heat pump. It allows emission-free energy transformation, which can be successfully used to supply heat energy to, for example, railway infrastructure systems, using nature's renewable energy resources.
1. Analysis of existing hydrogeological, wind and solar conditions around the planned location. 2. Analysis of thermal energy and water resources in the selected location. 3. Guidelines and methodology for the assessment of nature's energy and hydrological resources for any station location.

Literature review, survey of geological documents and geological field investigations.

1. Analysis of renewable, zero-carbon heat sources that can be located at the railway station site. 2. Analysis of energy conditions and hydrogeological resources at 5 locations with measurement methodology. 3. Developed guidelines and methodology for the assessment of energy and hydrological resources for any station location.

When applying the concept of an integrated and universal energy approach, an analysis and assessment of the energy resources for the envisaged location of the facility must first be conducted at the planning stage of the facility project. Then, optimisation should be carried out to select the best option for the electricity and heat supply. This analysis should consider the local resources of solar energy, ground energy, the Earth's interior, wind energy and water energy. Awareness of existing local energy resources will allow optimum location decisions to be made, as well as construction decisions. The result of the analysis should be the identification of so-called prospective energy resources. This analysis is qualitative in nature. At a detailed level, the analysis should include those energy resources that have been identified as prospective for a given location. At this level, the analysis should be of a technical and economic nature. At the same time, such an analysis should be conducted in terms of the selected energy source variants and include the economic calculation, functionality, maintenance-free, failure-free (durability), reliability, fulfilment of design requirements and other factors important for the operation of the facility.
Project co-financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education, under the program Co-financed International Projects
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