Actual and future digital threats and their impact on civil and military cybersecurity management
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Department of Management and Economic Informatics, Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania
Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Faculty of Legal Science and Economics, Romania
Submission date: 2022-12-08
Final revision date: 2022-12-28
Acceptance date: 2022-12-29
Online publication date: 2023-01-05
Publication date: 2023-01-05
Corresponding author
Oriana Helena Negulescu   

Department of Management and Economic Informatics, Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Romania
Przegląd Nauk o Obronności 2022;(15):60-84
(1) What is the hacker community made up of and what are the main vulnerable industries? (2) What are the main types of digital threats and how are they characterized? (3) What are the vulnerabilities and damage caused by cyber-attacks? (4) What are the ways to detect digital threats? (5) What measures can be taken to prevent and avoid these attacks? (6) What does the cyber security management process consist of? (7) What cybersecurity evidence and trends can be selected?

document analysis; data selection and assambly; synthesis; conceptualization; interpretation.

The research results are: a presentation of the hacker community and the main vulnerable industries; a brief definition of the types of digital threats; presentation of various vulnerabilities and damages caused by cyber-attacks; a selection of the ways to detect digital threats; a selection of the main measures to prevent and avoid these attacks; cybersecurity management process and a selection of evidence and trends regarding cyber security. Also, two conceptualizations are proposed: the approach to cyber risk management and 10 basic actions to prevent and avoid cyber risks.

The current and future situation is not encouraging for the management of organizations in terms of the risks caused by cyber-attacks, which are increasing significantly. The solution to prevent and avoid these threats is for civil and military organizations to implement Cybersecurity risk management.
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